11 June 2006

The Home Stretch

I'm 'coming up to the home stretch' with my papers. One more two-part paper due on Friday. It's been a rather intense month.

I'm been quite tired mentally and emotionally as a result of having to write all the papers and I have to confess that I'll be happy when it's all over.

I have been reminded this last month of the importance of being constant in my prayer life and about taking time out to relax. The latter has not been easy when I've felt that I've needed literally almost every waking moment to complete my work.

I've felt, though, that God has been faithful in reminding me of his presence. It's been a period where there have neither been easy reminders of God's presence nor great experiences of God's absence. Just God's steady presence, in many ways, reminding me that he is there if I trust in the promise of his love.


see-through faith said...

Bless you!

Sally said...

Well done Pam- I think I'll be driving in to Wesley House on Monday- D day papers in hand... really struggling on one, one complete bar the referencing etc, one 3/4 complete... arrgh as you say v intense!