So, I'm thinking to myself: 'Wonderful Husband draws great cartoons. Maybe he can do a cartoon for the Methodist Bloggers!'
And then the following conversation ensued (or I thought it did anyway):
PBG: Could you draw a cartoon depicting Methodist Bloggers?
WH: Sure, what would it look like?
PBG: Here's a funny cartoon Dave Walker did, but Methodists don't wear long robes.
WH: Well, how would we identify Methodist bloggers then?
PBG: I think maybe they might have a hymn book in one hand and a computer in another.
WH: OK, I'll work on it.
Here we have the outcome:

PBG: What's this, then?
WH: You said you wanted hymn books connected by wires.
Who Said Communication is Easy?
A lovely insight into a minister's home life. :)
.........yes, dear.......
(I should note that Wonderful Husband has seen this and he is amused)
I like it! After all, Methoism was born in song and we bloggers are held together on line!
love it!!!
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