15 May 2006

I Am A Sinner (who has been forgiven)

I am currently reading Miroslav Volf's book 'Exclusion and Embrace'. In this book Volf quotes Cornelius Plantinga as saying that at the heart of sin "lies the persisent refusal to tolerate a sense of sin".

I think this is a really important idea. I'm not suggesting that I've totally embraced this understanding in my own devotional life, but I have a sense that human beiings are powerfully released to grow in holiness when each of us is willing to live with the idea that we are sinners. When I can really embrace the idea that I am a sinner but that God loves me 'anyway' - through the life, death and resurrection of Christ - then I become free to acknowledge my sins before God and to be changed by the Spirit. I will no longer need to hide from myself that I am sinful and I will no longer need to try to hide from God the fact that I'm sinful - as if I could do that.


Sally said...

I wonder if this is something that creeps into our own doctrines of perfection and holiness... we do not want to appear frail or in need therefore we wear masks, because masks are essentialy false we become hardened to sin and tolerate its prescence in our lives by not acknowledging its prescence!

PamBG said...

Sally, the mask-wearing thing has been huge for me in my life. It's only very recently that I've begun to understand the freedom of not having to wear a mask before God - and I'm definitely stil learning.

Sally said...

Oh I think learning to be real is an ongoing process, all through life we pick up and put down different masks!

PamBG said...

Excellent point, Sally! ;-)