13 March 2008

Oh Dear. I'm too old. :-(

Personally speaking, I love the idea of 'cafe church', where people gather in a coffee shop to talk about God and the 'spiritual' side of life (for want of a better term).

One of the aspects of my former job that I really miss is having the opportunity to talk about God to people who don't go to church. I used to go out to lunch with people and, very often, they would turn the conversation to God. Why did I believe in God? Why was I a Christian? Often times people would tell me their thoughts on God. I loved these conversations; they were a lot more real than many we have in church.

So I was quite keen on the idea of cafe church. Some colleagues (both older than I) mentioned the idea when I moved here and I recently saw some information on the internet about forming a 'cafe-church' and forwarded it on to one of my colleagues. I've come to find out that they have been to a training session on cafe church, so I made it known that I am interested. No, I can't get involved, because I'm too old. They aren't going to be 'targetting' churchgoers and they aren't going to be 'targetting' middle-aged people. So-and-so (in her early 30s) is the sort of person who they want involved, not me.

So, darn. Fifty years olds are too old to talk about God in a coffee shop. And in church we're the young whipper-snappers.


Beyond Words said...

It would be hard for me to take no for an answer. And I'm 55.

BruceA said...

Shouldn't church -- even "cafe church" -- be about (among other things) bringing people together despite our differences, including generational differences? What is this group's justification for focusing on a specific demographic?

Anonymous said...

Pam, that is sad.

Rev Paul Martin said...

Yes I find that sad. Exclusion lives on!

PamBG said...

I'm glad it's not just me who thinks that there is something not quite right about this approach.

I was having second thoughts last night about removing this post, but I might leave it up for awhile.

Olive Morgan said...

'You're as old as you feel' is a frequent saying - and this applies to cafe church. I am an octogenarian and I am constantly amazed at the invitations i receive from younger people, whether in their 20s or their
50s! One day recently, I was invited out to tea like this (for 5.30pm) and I wasn't allowed to come home until 11.30pm! What's more, these two are pestering me for another such meal out because it was so good!

Doorman-Priest said...

If you've got the skills and experience, get in there girl.

Sod 'em!

Anonymous said...

I cheered out loud when I read this entry in your blog- I really did!
There is another blog that I am always looking at even though it really irritates me. It's about an emerging church in my home town. It's quite clear that at 41 I am too old and too long a christian to join it. On reading the latest entry on that one I was almost sick in a bucket! I wish I could cut and paste it here but I better not!
I am part of a church that is much older than me, but with my heart filled with God I feel strongly that I love the people I serve and I serve the people I love because they are there.

Fat Prophet said...

Have only just seen this blog and I am worried about the thought that cafe style church should be aimed at a particular group. We have done cafe style worship twice at our church where the congregation are mainly in the over 60 age group and yet they have enjoyed it thoroughly - I do worry about age limits in eitherdirection - there are many people in their 50's who love the newer worship songs as well as the older hymns so give us a chance.

PamBG said...

Ian - I think I miscommunicated. Perhaps 'cafe church' isn't a good description.

It's about going into a commerical coffee shop during the evening and having discussions about Christianity. We have one commercial coffee shop in this town. They already do speed-dating evenings and they themselves suggested a church activity! They normally close at about 6:00 pm (I think) but they think it could be worth their while to open for us, as long as they sell enough coffee and cake, I suspect!

But yes, it is being targetted at a specific age group and I don't qualify!

Fat Prophet said...

Well Pam if you don't fit the age bracket I certainly wouldn't!!
A number of years ago there used to be a Christian Bookshop in Burton on Trent that had a cafe in it and I think it was always a place where prayer and conversation on Christian matters took place. I am fairly certain that it was a case there of whosoever will may come.
There is also a cafe in Skegness called 'His Place' where they have praise mornings three times a week and there is a prayer room above and people on hand to talk about Christian things - always seems to be fairly busy.